Friday, April 29, 2005

Ok I know I know, two blog entries on a day when I am supposed to be non-living...

I don't even know what I want this particular entry to say, but when called to speak or be heard, this is my only option as of late. I haven't really got anything to say but I know I could if I thought long enough...

hmpapapapa I could make another list... i could talk about on of my Mr.'s. I could be brutally honest about someone I dislkie. I could talk about God. I could discuss the pro's and con's of living on a tropical island. but none of this strike be as universe changing, life-altering, world spining topics and thats what I am game for right now.

Okay, God it is then. Not in the sense that I'm settling, mind you, but my readers are sure to be tired of "all this God talk" by now. (Hopefully not, but...) I've been reading a lot of C.S. Lewis for no particular reason other than the fact that I have a need to write a book report and no one to write for. Well, and the reason that somoen told me he was a pretty awesome writer which, as it turns out, is true. I read straight through the Chronicles of Narnia (which only took about 3 months, due to my rediculously long stop in between the Horse and His Boy and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader... for no particular reason) and now I am reading "A grief Observed" and "The Four Loves."

A grief observed may have admittedly been the reason for the outburst about my Aunt. I read it and started thinking that "if I had this book when my Grandmother died, perhaps my whole Christian journey would have been different.. perhaps I would have understood God more... understood prayer more" and then I got to thinking that I hadn't thought about my Grandmother in a while and then I got to thinking that my aunt has the same sickness and how dare God do this to another Mainelli woman and then I just stopped thinking. I just went completely blank. I had a mind halt.SCCCCCCCCCHREECH!!!! Maybe that's why I could sleep so long today. My mind sequestered itself.

And now for the Four Loves, by C.S. Lewis. Here's Miss. Underclassman to give us a dramatic reading of it: Just kidding I haven't actually read it yet... well I have... the first four pages... and it's turning out to be good.

And I think that's all the world changing I have left in me on this nothingness kind of day.

I don't really think I accomplished anything except for keeping my eyes open and my mind conscious.

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