Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I just put someone to sleep... That's a first for me.

I was having my nightly phone call from the previously un-aformentioned Mr... Mr... Mr.Cool, and we were making a list of things that annoy us/ make us cringe or generally ruin our lives when I noticed his voice getting fainter and fainter and finally, a light snoring sound on my side of the line. After a few "yoo-hoo"s and whispers of his name I finally smiled and bid him good night.

But, As for the list we made, here's just a small sampling of it:

1.) People who think Basketball is sponsored by the National Boxing league

2.)People who think that learning about culture and studying the world will make them demi-gods and therefore they are too self-sufficient for a Savior.

3.) People who think you owe them something. Or who think they own you. People who think that just because they're "nice enough" to you that you should bow to their will forever.

4.) People who think that You're selfish when you haven't got the time or energy to be there for them EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY.

5.) Hypocrites.

6.) The plastic sticky wrappy thingys on cds and DVDs.

7.) Friends who know nothing about you.

8.) People who complain when they are not perfect.

9.) People who complain when you're not perfect.

10.) When someone doesn't value your opinion as highly as their own.

11.) Brain freezes that hurt.

12.) Sneezing and never recieving a "bless you."

13.) Requiring that someone "Bless you." I know that 12 and 13 are seemingly in opposition, but if you're in the middle of a sentence and someone sneezes, or if they're on the telephone and you can't tell if they sneezed or coughed, or if you're on the telephone with someone else and they sneeze in the next room, there is no law that says you have to bless that person.

14.) Hearing people go to the bathroom.

15.) When people see fit to bring up embarassing/ hurtful/ horrid things from your past "just in jest."

16.) Smelly feet.

17.) People who sleep all day and are awake all night playing loud music or trying to get you to be awake all night.

18.) People who blame you for something they botched.

19.) People who are justified in their own minds about picking a fight/ picking on/ otherwise annoying and destroying peoples lives.

20.) People who make extremely long absurd lists about truths that everyone already agrees upon

There were more, but I can feel my readers dozing off "like the insesent out of tune of a violin"...


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