Wednesday, April 20, 2005

ok... Irony of ironies, I wrote a perfect blog entry today and a technical difficulty prevented it from being posted. (My computer ate it, atleast it wasn't an operator error this time) It was a perfect entry about a certain Mr's obnoxiously flighty sister, whom I have called both my bestf riend and my worst enemy, sometimes both in the span of a day.

But maybe I should take a hint that when blogger, my own hand, or my computer deems something I pour all of my heart and soul into worthless, that maybe I should change the topic or approach of that particular entry.

Instead of dishing the latest gossip and comtemplating the importance of the alliance that we sometimes form and how it affects life as I know it, I will list for you dilligent readers acceptable qualities for my Mr. Bunny, since I listed the qualities that he must not have in a former blog entry.

1. He must like creamy peanut butter. Miss. Loquacious would understand this reference. There is just no reason to have two types of peanut butter in one fridge, and I'm sure it means something if they would like crunchy peanut butter... But I'm not sure what that is...

2. He must live up to the name "Mr.Bunny" in it's simplest form. I'll refresh your memory: Mr. Bunny derives his name from the toppers that will be on our wedding cake. Any one who needs any more information than that is in obvious opposition to my needs...

3. He must be in love with me at first sight.

4. Non-christian applicants need not apply.

5. He must understand the humor and the rediculousness in #3.

6. He must like lip gloss. I wear it all the time and I don't plan on changing...

7. He must be ok with the attitude exemplified in #6.

And finally, #8. He must be able to ignore this whole list and/or make a list in strict oppostition to it.

If anyone wants more informantion on how to apply for the position of Mr.Bunny, call me.\

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