Monday, November 28, 2005

I'm at work so i can't talk long I just had to say somrthing- ANYTHING- about Mr. L before I explode, or implode, or upload, or unload, or forbode.

Mr. L is the newest character on L- TV in a long while. Completely unrelated to any other lifeline as yet mentioned in this here blogspot wonder, Mr. L is Mr. Amazing. I met him.... well I won't tell you how I met him. He's... a little bit older than I am and the only reason I even approached him was because he is b-e-a-utiful and I thought "eh, This kid will never talk to me... no harm in telling him he's hott."

And then he talked to me. And it's been all dowhill from there. Downhill as in I am on a roller coaster heading down the biggest, most climactic, most exhilirating, craziest jump of my life... and loving every second of it.

I have to say, we have this much in common---> * But he's gorgeous and funny and he talks to me and he's just... amazing....

Well so much for that five minutes break. Catch you all later.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Apparently i have decided that I am an android and i shall never need sleep again...

Last week i was swamped- between Footwear, cupcakes, cookies, and Big Girl duties, I slept LITERALLY 20 hours all week. THIS week, my happy butt thought it would be a great idea to take on 27 catering jobs, start another business, be a Big Girl and try to marry one of The Boys. Saturday night and last night i rolled in at 2 in the morning, like I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO AT 2 IN THE MORNING. "That peace that sleep begets" hath not touched my soul in almost a month and I am feelin it lemme tell you. I keep telling myself to just push through one more frantic night of baking, flirting or planning and then I'll take a break, but do I?

No. That would be SANE.

Off to do more work. Writing this blog entry just robbedme of 3 and a half minutes of sleep.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Whatever happened to the Voicebox?

The newest love of my life and I are listening to Bon Jovi, and I sit here, pondering...

Whatever happened to the voicebox? You know that generic WEE--OOOW-OOOWA that Richie Sambora in Bon Jovi would do by singing into a "box" attached to his mic? What ever happened to that technology? That IS what made Bon Jovi awesome and now.... nothing. Noone else has realized the gold theat is the Bon Jovi WEEE-OOWW and I want to know why....

The new love of my life by the way is my iPod. It's not just any iPod, mind you. It is a video iPod. Or what I would like to call, "The High king of all iPodium."

That last statement was proof positive that I am in need of some major zzz's.


Thursday, November 10, 2005

The best kid ever: Adhesives Research

ME: like post-it notes


TBKE: but close

TBKE: and when I say close I mean not even close

ME: ok... so what do you do

TBKE: I'll be a chemical mixer

ME: mixing the stuff that goes on the back of post-it notes?

TBKE: Yeah

Me: Really?


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I would like to say that i have nothing to say about anyone. Just this once I have no gossip, anger, rumor or truth to spread, feel, share or intimate about anyone in my life.

Don't get used to it.

In fact, if you know me well enough, you know that this is about someone....

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


In case you all are wondering where today reandom thought is coming from, I'll let you in on a ittel secret: It is absolutely un-random. The last comment left on my blog was from an annonymous reader say that they had entered "Croc shoe... Something" Into Google and UP POPPED MY WEBSITE! While I feel bad that they found absolutely no useful information about crocs here, i am also severly tempted to list every name of a shoe that someone might attempt to key word search in order to whip up some new readers. While I love my 4 person standard fan base, you all leave entirely too fee comments. I need more love...

Well back to the grind

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

...about silence.

I wish everyone would just stop talking. I do not understand why I suddenly became a star over night, but I know for a fact that I did not order the optional tabloid treatment when i checked the "Yes" box on my awesome application. But since I am a star, I think I should atleast get paid. As it is now, all I'm getting is judged.

In case you were wondering as towhat I am specifically referring; it is everything. Everybody, everything, all the time. I feel like there is an L TV Station. "L all the time: Interactive and in color!"

It would be super nice if everyone could chill that.

Like ice cream fillin....