Monday, November 03, 2003

Bible study was great. I'm still happy about that. It's amazing how one thing can make you feel so good, especially after all that stuff hit the fan last week. My sister in law still won't talk to me, which may prove to be a good thing...

At any rate, Church was good yesterday. It was the same sermon that we heard Saturday night at contemporary worship, but it seemed to hit home. "TROUBLES make us TRUST." Logical enough, but I'm still struggling. But I think thats okay. "It's not okay to be angry with God, but you can struggle with what he wants you to do." Wisdom del Pastor Dave.

Mr.Mr was interesting Saturday night, but I'm not sure I should type why, since someone reading this might know him. Let's just say he's close on the heels of Mr.Hampster as "Mr. Always knows what to say."

I can't wait. My birthday is in less than three weeks. After that I get to see my recruiter. WOOHOO! Man, I can't believe it's already that time. Mr.Navy is due home soon, too. He's called me atleast once a week since he's been in A school. (He's an AO... If you know what that means...) I.Y.A.A.Y.A.S. hahaha...

Well, better go... "Enter data... blah blah blah..."

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