Thursday, October 02, 2003

I don't get why people can't understand the first amendment. It means that I get to say what I want. Not just me, every American citizen. That means you can disagree with me, and I can disagree with you and we can argue and debate, and neither of us is breaking a law. Isn't that nice? To know that you can say whatever you want and the only thing people can do is get mad? That's why I love the USA. That's why I plan on laying my life on the line to protect it. And so what if I stand up for what I believe is right? Thats allowed too. If no one ever stood up for what they felt was right, we wouldn't have this country. We would be living in a hut under some guy named Rosco Boscovich and standing in line for 3 years for some mac & cheese...

Not the world I'd fancy living in, but if you don't like the freedom we have in America, there are alternatives. If you don't want to hear me talk about God or how much I love Mr.T or how my hair gets frizzy in the summer, THEN TUNE ME OUT. Deal is a four letter word that works oh-so-well in this situation.

It may sound ignorant or ridiculous, but I'm going to say what I choose to say until I'm a threatened with a penalty of some kind (which I won't be, provided I don't pull a fire alarm or get someone falsely put on death row). And you have the right to listen, not listen, speak over me, hate what I say, or live somewhere where they don't let you say anything but "Yes Dick Tator." It's not my place to make sure I don't offend you. It's your place to DEAL.

Sorry, May God warm your heart and help you understand why I feel this way.

"May God bless you and keep you. May God make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May God lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. "

Oh and by the way...
haha, I win.


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