Monday, October 27, 2003

I don't get people. Seriously, they drive me nuts. Not only do I not understand my peers, but adults, children, and everything in between have me completely stumped.

I'm sorry I was born. I can't change that fact. I can't undo the mistake my parents made. I'm sorry if you wish I could and I'm sorry if you want me to own up to it, but I can't and I won't. It's not my mistake.

I'm sorry I act the way I do. I'm sorry you think I'm arrogant, immature, naieve, stupid, innsensitive, and undeserving of your love.

But it's not my fault. I promise you it's not my fault. I can't help who I was made to be. That's not to say that I dissown all the bad things I've done in the past. That's not to say that I think anyone is wrong for thinking ill of me. It's to say that I can't help how you see me. I can only try to improve your view of me. And I can only do that much if you give me a chance to.

I'm trying to change. I'm trying to be better. But if you refuse to stop yelling long enough to hear me say I'm sorry, if you refuse to turn your head my way and watch me struggling with whats right and wrong, then you'll never have the chance to see what I'm becoming. What I'm TRYING to become.

I know I don't deserve it. I know I should just leave now and not even wait for even a crumb of forgiveness and patience to fall from your table. But I can't just give up. I can't. You want me to change and I'm tryng to change, I'm trying to be better and all you do is assume that I can never change. But in assuming that, you don't give me room enough to change. It's like putting a pound of bread dough in a tupperware container in a cold fridge and then cursing the bread because it won't rise.

Just this one chance is all I'm asking for. Just give me one chance to show you that I'm atleast trying. If you still think I'm arrogant, self-centered, immature, and worthless then I'll just leave. I'll just walk out the door, bags packed and never expect to hear from anyone again. But don't ask me to stay here with people who don't know what maturity, kindness, patience, and love are and then expect me to blossom into a wonderful, tolerant, soft-spoken, greatful person. It's not going to happen if you won't let it.

How, if Mr."I always say that right thing" (Mr. Hampster) can forgive me a million times for the horrible things I've put him through, most of them inntentional, henous, malicious, and hurtful, can you not forgive the mistakes I've made? didn't mean to be born. Forgive me for acting like a lost, sad, lonely child and let me try to be an adult.

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