Friday, March 28, 2008

It doesn't stop me from wanting to...

I don't use real names here, you know that. But occasionally I want to do formal introductions. Blog readers, meet The Boy. Boy, meet a big bright world.

I don't typically galavant around town until 3 in the morning, but when I do it's always worth the bags under my eyes and the coffee the next morning.

I haven't kissed or been kissed in a while, but I'm not going to compain if you want to knock me a wet one on the cheek every now and again.

I don't read books out of my genre of classical literature very frequently, but I trust your judgement.

I don't usually let young men drive me around towns I don't know when it is late and dark, but so far you've pleased me exceedingly doing so.

I don't usually speak in literal terms about my life, but just this once, Young can't say it as well as I can.

I usually like the rough, aggressive, fast paced insane things in life, but your assured, quiet, respectful musings have made me feel safe, warm, and invited. Amazingly.

Thank you, Boy. Thank you, Life. Thank you, Sweet Freedom.

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