Monday, March 10, 2008

67% of the time, when I wake up late, I feel like a failure.

Some stats on yours truly:

I am 250% more likely to hate you without ever learning your name if you drive without your lights on in a rain storm

37% of me thinks that one day, I will in fact meet Young John.

1 out of every 13 times, I find American shows entertaining (This statistic excludes the Law and Order Series.)

Recent statistics show that my ex told about 2,345 lies per quarter.

In an unbiased poll, I found that 13% of Americans might actually enjoy seeing pictures of my new vegetable garden.

8 out of 10 times that you may see me in a bar drinking, you can be assured that i would be 89% more satisfied at home reading or writing or taking a bath or cleaning Stacey's cage.

98.5% of my friends can't wait until I am divorced. The other 1.5% were unavailable for this poll.

Finding time to write a novel is 7th on my list of things to do. 9 Ran.

85% of people will have no idea what the above statement meant, only 11% will think that it was amusing.

2.3. The number of rings on the hood of my car from my coffee cups.

I drink 2.7 Triple Grande Caffe Mochas add Hazelnut add caramel a week.

I drink 4.5 Triple Grande Caffe Mochas add Almond add caramel a week.

I drink 1.3 "other" Caffe Mochas a week.

My phone rings 13.5 times a week, 65% of those times on tuesday and thursday mornings when Joe and I are both in class.

I think it is a 1 in 179 chance that other people will figure out who DR might be.

When I think of Mr. Future millionaire 73% of me wants to puke.

Size 10. My husbands wedding ring.

Size 10. My big feet.

48,598.53. How much money I plan to rake in a year after my schooling.

15,214.67. How much my schooling will cost.

56,214.28. How much my schooling will cost after 4 years of quarterly intrest at about 13%.

6 out of 10 pople think this blog is rubbish.

I hope the other 4 enjoyed it.

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