Thursday, February 28, 2008

Literary Elitism

I re-read some of my previous post and then scratched my head.

When did I become such a pompous and bombastic elitist?

Last Tuesday?

SEE! Do you see what I mean? WHY curse be to the heavens, why do I have to be so clever, poigniant and entertaining?

I have set the bar too high! All I want to do right now is write about my exhaustion, how much adult high school sucks and how I've planted a garden. To convey those simple themes in this now high end PO MO blog, I would have to come up with motifs, aliteration, poetic prose or any number of other literary devices. Thats just crap!

So here it goes. A crappy blog:

I feel like I swallowed a whale. Or like a whale swallowed me, I'm so tired.

Goind the to University of Rossville Blvd. can be likened to be trapt in a confession booth with three raging, raving, ravenous, lunatics.

I have planted a seed in hopes that it will bear much fruit. Even though carrots and beets aren't realy fruit. And neither is basil for that matter. Why doesn't God make allusions to our faith being like that of a sturdy root or a flowering herb anyhow?

See? Crap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two points for the next time you extol the wondrous glory that is your writing:

1) seems your "poignant" has an extra "i" in it
2) "Alliteration" has two L's.

I love you dearly :-)
