Thursday, July 03, 2008

Sex is an emotion in motion.

Here's something that crossed my mind over the past few years.

Why am I so afraid of Sex?

Why am I so scared to talk about it, even here where i am free from identity?

I can even us the fictional building blocks i have constructed to carry out my thoughts and dreams and malingering thoughts about sexuality and sensuality, but I always avoid it. Why?

Why am I often times veiled, incomplete, half represented half admonishing my own flesh?

Perhaps because when you read this you often times judge me.

Perhaps because I am just naturally shy about Sex and all things relative to the most inner parts of my soul.

Perhaps because when I do, you always think too much or too little of it.

Sex is important.
I do think about it.

I am not a drone, programmed to ignore my own instincts. Yes, for sure I am a woman. Yes, my life is extremely complicated and therefore not conducive to the time needed to think about, discuss and theorize sex and sexual appetite.

So there you have it. I want to talk. About Sex. About the dirt and grit and sweat that goes with it. About missing it. About wanting it. About getting it.

I want the freedom to talk about these things while knowing you won't hate me. Or leave me because of it. I want to know you will still love me and stay tuned to my show even though I am being honest to a fault. I want you to express how you really feel too though. i don't want you to hurt me while doing it, but i care about you and I want your feedback. Just not your judgement.

If anything, this thing, this journal de vie, is mine. It's about my life. And my life is not loveless. It is not exanimated. It is not colorless. It is not flatline.

I am vibrant and demanding and loud and happy and when I cry it is real pain and when I laugh you can hear it in the stars and when I kiss you lightly in the dusk because my heart tells me I have no choice you can feel my soul brimming beneath my soft lips. And I want you. And I want to sing to you, and write to you, and love you.

So just take me. Take me for what I am, sex and all. Please?

Now that I am done being real, I can be Young.

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