Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"Love does not cause suffering: what causes it is the sense of ownership, which is love's opposite”- Exupery

"DR, I really wish you would-"

"You wish what? That you could have a say? Benny, that's not what you signed up for."

And here it was, Here they were. Right back there they always left off, the same old argument. He was readying his most condescending tone to tell her that she was to be quiet and trust his decision making skills and she was bracing herself for the cold hard truth all over again.

"Now Benny, we agreed, you will remember, that I will be the head of this household." And I will break you yet, he smiled and held her close so she couldn't see the storm in his eyes. The constant rolling clouds that darkened his face when he thought about the joy of owning her.

"But DR, I just want-"

"You want to feel important, I know. You want to rule the roost, I know. You want to wear the pants, I know. But we agreed." He kissed her on the head and thought how easy it was to convince her to submit.

Delighted, he held out her arm.

"Now this won't hurt-"

"But DR I don't want-"

"I know, you don't want to submit. But Benny, we agreed-"

"But DR we didn't agree-- not on this!"

"Benny, now listen, we agreed that I would be the head of this family and that you would respect me. If you can't do just this one simple little thing, there is no point to loving you."

"But DR, I just want-"

"You just want what? To be alone forever? To be with a push over? No, NO Benny, I will not relent. I will have you and you will stick to your promises."

And then the nurse came in. Teddy bears smiled back at Benny from her smock. The nurse took her by the arm and shook her

"Mrs. John! Mrs. John are you ready? The doctor will exam you now, if you're ready..."

Where had she been? In some clinic, five years back. Crying. Wishing to be free. Wanting to be loved. Feeling no way out. She wiped her eyes and realized that the nurse was holding her hand.

"Mrs. John, it's ok... You and the baby are going to be just fine."

And then she remembered she was free now. Free to love and be loved. Free to breath on her own. Free to want her own way.

Sweet Freedom.

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