Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Your potential is unlimited in all that you've chosen to do. Do not assume that a soul which has incarnated in a body which you call limited has not reached it's full potential, for you do not know what that soul was trying to do. You do not understand it's agenda. You are unclear to it's intent.
Therefore bless every person and condition, and give thanks. Thus you affirm the perfection of God's creation-and you show your faith in it. For nothing happens by accident in God's world, and there is no such thing as coincidence. Nor is the world buffeted by random choice, or something you call fate.
If a snowflake is utterly perfect in its design, do you not think the same coule be said about somehting as magnificent as your life?

Conversations with God, Neale Donald Walsch

And what of life, or of college, or of my family, or of marriage? What of this business of "making something of myself?" Who are you to judge that my station in life, that the place which I have chosen to stop short and reflect before reaching the fullest glory of my life that God has alotted me- is not in a state of constant motion, is not acceptable? Who are you to dismiss my choice for my fulfillment in God's plan for me?

Who are you to say that God gave me wisdom to go to college? Who are you to sya that I should conform to your level of "rightness" in order to succeed in this world?

That's all.

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