Friday, May 06, 2005

Mr. Future Millionaire is definatly back. I would like to cordially invite you all to the wedding, the second wednesday twenty years from now.

You know I was thinking that other day that he and I have nothing in common. He likes dogs, I like cats. He's a business only kind of guy, and I'm a art school kind of girl. He failed english, i can't stop my fingers from creating wordy masterpeices. He likes ice cream snowballs, I like ice cream. He wants no more than 2 kids, I wasn no less than 5. He likes fast cars, I like buicks. He wants a woman who can work beside him. I want to be a stay at home, Kool-aid mom. He's going to college, I'm freelancing life. I'm an ubber christian and he just doesn't get it. He's all abotu the $$$ and I could care less. (Well, not true. I do like my jewelry and my car.... but I would go without if I had to)

He's a hard worker and I'm... a hard worker. He likes my parents.. and I like that my parents like him. He is adorable, and I ... well, I am a goddess. (insert laugh track here) We both like scary movies. We're best friends and have been since the moment we met. He wants to protect me and I want to be protected. I can't get enough of him and he likes it that way. Everybody likes both of us. (well, not everyone, but enough that i can say everyone and not feel bad about it) He likes to fish and thinks that my only place in the whole process is next to the frying pan, and while I like to fish, I might be ok with being spared of touching the bait and of sitting on a boat for 10 hours and of scaling them.He likes to drive fast and I like to be driven fast.

As Miss.Salsbury has said "Similarities all around"

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