Saturday, September 13, 2003

UGH! why do I bother? whats in it for me? Why do I not just consent with myself to remove his sn from my buddylist, stay out of JCPenny's and just freaking forget about him? Why do I read his blog, full of anything but me, and if I am in there it's bad, or worse, passive? WHY DO I BOTHER???

I know nothing is ever going to change and, if I listened to him, it would be all my fault, but I just can't help but try.So I love and I can't let go. So what? Everytime I talk to him, I want to just call out to him, I want to grab on to him and tell him I'm not letting go until a monkey comes and pounds on my head with an arabian coconut. But I don't. Because I have atleast consented not to bother. So instead I DO NOTHING. I talk and I sit and I wait and I wonder, but I don't DO ANYTHING. I don't forget, I don't move on, I don't think rationally.... Whats the point of having a heart if all it does is get broken and stay that way?

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