Wednesday, April 23, 2008


You tease me with a prospect. You tease me with the chance to fill a tablet with my favorite medium.

You speak, and you say, "I am unfulfilled"

I offer, and "What do I do?"

"My mind is currently a blank sheet of loose leaf waiting to be written upon."

Beauty is such as I had never imagined in a mind that dilates beyond my perception.

Should I, with an unsteady and failing hand and heart fill that empty page, disorganized with scraps of pictures, tender words, witty things and soft remeberances, it would last you as long as you'd like.

You might like to fill it in as we go, though with your own thoughts. Precious, quiet, genius.

Yes, I shall ignore my desires and propel your creativity to fill your own empty space and maybe a few of mine as well.

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