Monday, April 07, 2008

Me, Maybe.

We girls have a few horrible habits.

One of which is taking showers that last for hours and making you late for everything.

Another, much more interesting phenomenom is our ability to lie. In a very specific way. Allow me to elaborate:

You boys say: "Honey, What's wrong?"

We girls answer, tersely, "Nothing, why would you think something were wrong?"

"Well you just seem quiet..."

Here is our flaw. our down fall. Our issue.

We as women think that you know very well what you have done/ omitted/ allowed to happen that has affected us. And you know you were wrong. And we are just waiting for you to ask how to fix it. Read on:

You boys say: "I had fun today/ last night/ at the beach/ with your family"

We respond "Yea, I bet you did/ Whatever/ Me too, especially meeting your ex-girlfriend"

At this point, we think we've made it clear. We think you understand. We imagine that you are now forming an apology that includes a mentioning of how beautiful we are.

Instead you say: "Good." And then you attempt to kiss/ fondle us messily.

I am unlike most girls here though. Because I fall for it. I think you really do know what you've done worng/ forgotten to do/ mistakenly done to hurt me.

I think your kisses/ neck rubs/ thigh grazings are just your way of saying "I'm sorry. I fully admit my stupidity and heartily hope you will forgive all of my transgressions because, well, I am, afterall, a sex-crazed fumbling ritardando."

Ah, the joys of young, pseudo-insane, almost- love.

1 comment:

katy said...


You said ritardando. That made me laugh really hard.