Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Ok so I haven't posted quite as frequently as I mgiht like to, what with all that is going on, but i figured I would enter in one last blog before i leave for PARADISE thursday and leave you all without reading material for 2 weeks. I have created and itemized list for the topics I would like to cover, incase I don't get to them all before I have to scurry away and finish packing.

  • Mr. Future Millionaire
  • Andrew, Joe, John, and Adolf
  • Rediculous natural disasters and the stupidity of people therein
  • Paradise

Mr. Future Millionaire and I got together Sunday because he has been begging me to talk, oh since the day Miss. Woo Woo left for college. We talked (and walked for the matter) in circles for a good hour ( I think.. I knda lost track of time... ) All I had to say is all I have been saying and all he had to contribute was that he wanted to remain friends. I do too, but to be hoest and call me a cat all you want, I can't do it. I can't because I will always distrust her and I will always worry about him being friends with her and that is disrespectful. There is no reason for me to care what she does with him but I always will and that is not fair to him. And it isn't fair to me to just say "Suck it up, because this is what i want from you." I am hurt. I need comfort. I don't need things to be like they were, because they WERE a lie. i thought we were getting married, or atleast getting along. If we went back it would just be the same catastrophe all over again. Not to mention the fact that i refuse to even talk to Miss. Woowoo and that i will never go back on because I will just end up accepting the blame and letting her off the hook LIKE I ALWAYS DO. And then this will all happen again. I will be sensitive and honest and vulnerable and she will find a way to CRUSH me. FORGIVE 77X7 BUT FORGET NOT LEST YOU DIE BY REPEATED DRAMA. God didn't say that. I did.

The dahl brothers, How i love thee, let me write about the ways. I have officially found four men, all in the same family, that i would marry and have babies with. No, that's not true. I think there are 7 brothers all together and even though I have not met them all, I am sure I would like them. After having my heart broken by Mr. Movie when he told me they went to Atlantic city and he didn't know if they were coming back before they headed home, I gave up every hope of ever seeing them again :( THEN, I of course could not keep my mouth shut in church (and this time it actually benifited me...) I said something to Mr. Movies father about how much i ADORED his cousins and how BROKEN HEARTED I was about them leaving for Atlantic City and not telling me and simultaneously ruinging my chances of every finding another nice guy in this stinkin' city when the following conversation insued:

"Atlantic City?"

"Yeah your son told me they went to Atlantic City and they didin't tell me and they didn't invite me and now I will never secure my future with one of them and I will become an old maid and be forced to run a burlesque to pay for my retirement in Hawaii..."

"They didn't go to Atlantic City...."

"They didn't????"

"No they're still working on Mr. movies brother's house. But they finish up today, would you like their cell phone number?"

"UH HUH!!! My Jaw hit the floor my eyes turned into stars and I might have sctratched my ear with my left leg.

So they were still in town and I called and left a crazy message on their work phone ("HI Andrew, Joe, John, and Adolf, this message is from Super Footwear Girl, I heard you were still in town tonight and I just thought you might want to go out, umm, give m ea, uh, call, this is my number, my number is xxx-xxx-xxxx so now you have it so give me a call before you leave, k bye!"

I lost it there towards the end.. .I suddenly realized what i would think if I met some zealous over-enthusiastic so and so through my cousins and how I would feel if they went and found out my work number and left me an INSANE message. Luckily. I think, their dad called me back before listening to the message and said "You called this number?" And I had to explain how i knew his sons before I could even ask to speak to anyone of them, because who do you ask for when you love them all equally and you're nuts?

So we played pool until the wee hours of the morning and from what they tell me, the boys were very happy to have met me and to have had time to hang out. Trust me boys, not as happy as me and as one of your future mother in law's.

Wel I really have to go pack, everything else will just have to wait until I get back...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Rediculous natural disasters and the stupidity of people therein" and "Paradise". What happened to them?