Thursday, June 03, 2010

[Insert Applause Here]

wiTty 13.

Thirteen things I am going to do this summer:

1. Get all of the vaccinations required for School. Including but not limited to measles, mumps, rubella, typhoid fever, chicken pox, scurvy (Only for children of pirates,) and Mad Cow.

2. The pre-reading and comprehending of 156 chapters for school (throughout eighteen varying volumes and indexes.)

3. Finish planting every gal- dern plant or seed I have thus far purchased including Goliath Tomato plants, a tomato tree, pepper plants, marigold seeds, caladium bulbs, sunflower seeds, allysum seeds, sage and rosemary plants, and a money tree.

3a. I will talk to all of my plants in a loving and considerate tone to improve morale.

4. Housework Project A: Decide when to rip up and replace the flooring in the lower level of our big house.

5. Housework project B: Clean out the area upstairs that will be empty once we throw away the left over stove, cabinetry, flooring, and sink.

6. Lose some pounds. Just a few, and no, I still don't use scales. i will know I have lost pounds when the other ones ask me where they went.

7. Clean my desk. Yeah, it is so bad it made it on the list. I didn't say they were all fun, geez.

8. Increase my iron levels to 13.6 ppu so I can give double reds again in July.

9. Go to Amazing Glaze and finish making pottery for Aunties Number 1-5, cousins on both sides, and people I generally like.

9a. Finish the five paintings I have started now to also provide for presents for the family and friends.

10. Go to Hawaii. If it kills me. Or bankrupts me.

11. Adopt my personal mission statement and think of it everyday:

" I pledge to live a life that promotes a sense of peace, simplicity, and order. I will learn to apply myself to my duties and commitments in order to nuture and serve those around me."

12. I will read one or more book(s) for fun. And I am not that fun; this may include or be a re-read.

13. JUICE. As a verb; Hot, I know.

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