Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Love is...

Sharing moments together.
Expressible in 160 characters or less.
Sunday Mornings.
Sunlight in your hair.
Long lonely drives down a rainy highway with rocking tunes blarring.
Trusting you from the moment I laid eyes on you.
Knowing what we are is right.
Feeling sad because someone hurt you a mllion moments before I ever knew you.
Not needing to argue. Ever. About anything.
Telling the truth, even if it means getting in trouble.
Being unable to talk, think or write about anyone else.
Trusting me to party on my own.
A Rocking chair in the bedroom.
A kiss on the hand.
A lost moment.
A lingering eye.
Being excited to be alone with you.
Young John.
A long beautiful song.
Tennis rackets.
NOT never having to say you're sorry, BUT knowing WHEN to say you're sorry.
Frosty beverages.
Open minds, open hearts and most importantly, open lips.
A smile that says as much as, "I love you and need you and can't wait for you."
Quietly admitting me into your life because it works.

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