Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sweet Serenity's Bliss is in the Shining Eyes of His Love

Young John Something

Young John is a five. He is average. I can't give you any specs- I will not bore you with a height or hair color, a build or symmetrical analysis. But I will tell you he is average. Neither here nor there. Not enough to stop and turn to, but just enough to be caught up in conversation with.

Benny is also a five. Over the years, her hair has fallen flat and deepened in color. She has excess weight that just won't go away around her waist, on her arms, and her breasts are a little too large for her frame. She is taller than she should be, her skin is whiter than that of her family, and her eyes a muttle concoction of hazel, green and brown.

Young John did not peacock out to attract her. And Benny did not sashay his way to seduce him. Young and Benny met, shook hands and began talking their way into love. Maybe they are just fives, but they are the most natural couple, their ease lending itself as a viewing aid.

With all of these average qualities, what would make people take a second look at either one? Why do men consistently try to convince Benny that they are indeed a better choice for her? Why do women continue to talk to Young, stroke his arm, and smile seductively his way? It is Young and Benny.

Together, they are irresistible. Young and Benny walk into a bar, a party, a function and suddenly the life changes. They seem to consume all of the energy in a room. To create a circuit within and around themselves, attracting every light, every atom, all of the heat built up around them. Together, they can stop conversations, turn head and make the most solid couple jealous. What is it? What is that magic? What do people look to Young and Benny for?

It is the definition of the unknown. It is the turn of a hip, the toss of her hair, the light on his face. It is the silence in their speech, the movement of their thought. They walk together in a rhythm that can be heard for miles. They talk to other people in a room, parallel to one another, separate, but going in the same divine direction. I have seen Young and Benny go to a party together, without saying so much as two words to one another and everyone can see they belong together.

They come as a pair. Young will think and Benny will speak. Benny will thirst and Young will drink. It's uncanny, really. Uncanny and impossible to put into words to either one. If you ask Young why he loves her so, he will just smile- or beam rather- and say "Well, you've met her." Ask Benny what she and Young have in common and equally as coy she smiles and simply says,"Each other."

Benny doesn't take Young too seriously and Young dotes over her in an embarrassing but intuition driven way. They keep the balance of all of the energy in the universe on the tips of their lips by drawing back and overextending in places no other typical relationship thinks of. What training is there for this type of love? Where is the manual- what is their secret?

I am not Young or Benny, just an observer. But I would say it is simply fate. Dumb luck that they should be so utterly compatible. A simple stacked deck of aces.

Yes. They are simply luck bastards. The rest of us will go on quite cold and alone in comparison, but not Young and Benny. The real question though is not why they love each other so much, but if they were to split, would they, individual, make two other people just as happy? Are they cosmically blessed individuals with the capacity for greatness as their own universe? Or is it the case that they together set the room a little brighter, make the wine a little sweeter and the nights a little warmer?

Who will ever know, except those who have lost their chance to love one of the worlds most content.

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