Tuesday, February 01, 2005

So underneath my sign on for this blog the words "Tequila Mockingbird" caught my eye and I felt compelled to share with all of you that, believe it or not, contrayer to my present and inherent loquacity, i was actually a pretty dumb kid and I really did think that when I got to ninth grade that they were going to force me to read a book named "Tequila Mockingbird". My teacher got quite a laugh out of this when she asked us to do a pre-reading research on it and then write an essay about why we thought the book was controversial. I, being the slacker that i am, failed to do the pre-reading and subsiquently turned in a paper intitled: "Tequila Mockingbird: The Trouble with Boozing Birds."

While the preceeding story is not entirely true, (I'll allow you to pick and chose the parts you think are fancy and fact)my little anecdote is hopefully a colorful example of how words can cause so much darn trouble.

At any rate, that was not my initial vein of thought so let me digress. (Yes, vein.Often times thoughts have their own life therefore they are not as inanimate as a train, but rather pulsating, pumping, and pondering into their own existence or life support system, all depending on what is required of them.) So, to begin a new, to begin a new, such sweet bliss in creationism...

Now that i have talked myself right out of the original town my thoughts had built when I stared this blog more than twenty minutes ago, I shall now revert back to the thought I did manage to get down on the proverbial paper of the internetand that is this: words. "Over numbers, unencumbered and numbered words", as Jason Mraz might say about them. Words- Don't talk too much for it fosters sin. Be sensible and shut off the flow; As the poet of Psalms, David, might say to the effect of vocabulary.

Words- A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a single morpheme or of a combination of morphemes.

As some of you may know or chance to guess, I am close friends with the beast we call "language." In other WORDS, I have been known to talk too much, write too much, sign too much... Anything I can do to communicate... well anything that I feel is neccessary, beneficial or would simply fill the world with that much more thought. I was once asked by a former english teacher, "Miss. Louise," she said, "Do you have a limit you must hit everyday or is your loquacity simply a personal competition to see if you might top your own records of frivilous word usage???" (Again, this is a bit of a frabrication... the said teacher wasn't that eloquent...)

If you've been following along like studious little readers, I made a resolution not too long ago to limit my word usage. My "per capita quota" for each day as it were.(You all see how well that's going) I personally think that there is something fundamentally wrong with my plan to.. well, to shut up. The problem being that I am physically incapable of the task at hand. I just can't do it. I see you, don't you shake your head at me. It's true! It is impossible (not improbably, IMPOSSIBLE) for me to stop talking. To talk is to learn. to talk is to teach. To talk is to LIVE. I can't stop. I've got an eight pound motor made up of 75% water and 25% electricity and it just goes and grows and sows it's wild rambling thoughts all day long. If I didn't get it out somehow, I'd go comatose with all the thoughts just hanging around. Simply Coconuts!

You wouldn't want that to happen, now would you?

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