Monday, May 09, 2011

Writing for Writing's Sake

Sake? What does Japanese rice wine have to do with it all?

This is literally an entry to tell you that I should write more often. Or to tell me that I should write more often. I am not really sure. Here is a quick view of how I feel, and if I am so inclined I will expand later. More likely than not though, I will forget about you again until I feel compelled by some inner weighty guilt to give you another quick debriefing with more empty promises.

The Boy's Sister was recently married. Actually, recently engaged and recently married. I actually will not be getting to in-depth here about this because I generally like Her and the nice young man she married, but it was all around an interesting marriage. I have the following feelings: She is so young and she knows him so little and I don't want her to make the same mistakes I did and there is ever so small a jealous beast beneath my serene exterior, et. al. Expressing any/ all of these makes me feel

  • That I sound like my mother

  • Like a jealous beast. Not a small one, a real, life-sized one.

  • Like I am meddling. Which I have never had a real problem with before, but whatever.

School is... trying? No, I am trying, school is winning. I am exhausted, grumpy, and have a flat affect towards everything not school related. I am a solely goal oriented troglodyte, not hunting berries or boar, but hunting a C average and interested only in facts, numbers, and medical terms.

That isn't totally true. I have found time this semester to finish a book I knew I was going to love before I even started: Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South. It was an inspiring novel about the differences among the class systems in 1860 England. It gave a very clear view of the Northern rural England and the Industrial South through the eyes of our heroine, Margaret Hale, who goes through such a transformation as is not warranted in modern literature. Gaskell created a credible and endearing heroine while choosing carefully to not promote the North or the South, but rather allowing the reader to choose for himself.

Home ownership is not for the weary. There is a reason they cost so much: To convince you not to buy one because they cost so much time, resources and sanity. I love our home, I just wish this were pioneer days and we could have built our own little log cabin and had gas lamps. Fooey on modern innovations. Who asked for you any how, running water and light fixtures? Who indeed.

Wedding planning is in the same vein. I won't repeat it, I will write a whole separate article about it later. But beware. I will whine. That is all I have the energy for. I think.

More later, if I remember. I really do want to try to please you and to keep you coming back, ye few.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Something New...

I wrote this over a year ago, and except for the fact that I am now a new, unpronounceable zodiac sign, it is actually perfect. We are perfect. In case you were wondering.

"But Boy are you sure?"

There are a million and one things to think about when saying yes to someone. For one, What are they really asking you to do? Is a simple lunch date to you really the best chance this person has to collect some of your hair for their alter to you?

By saying yes when someone asks you to babysit are you really signing your life away to an ungrateful mom who will call you every Friday night?

By telling someone you love them, does that mean that life is over? That you have made a choice between that person and every other passionate dream you may have ever had?

When I asked the guy that set The Boy and I up for an account of The Boy, I had no idea his answer would be "He's tall." But that was the perfect answer for the beginning of the most calming, delightful, and comfortable relationship I have ever been involved in.

Last night I was trying to figure out why we work so well together. Turns out, it is written in the stars. Taurus and Scorpio are destined to be a loyal, formidable, fantastically passionate couple. He is a strong, constant earth sign with a determined nature. His love of possession and my love of power make us a pair to be reckoned with in the job market. I will teach him to never settle and to always wonder at life and he will teach me that sometimes life is just a four letter word. In short, we have always been intended. If you believe all that mumbo-jumbo.

The question is, what does it mean to say yes to this boy? To say "Yes, I love you?" To say "Yes I will love you?"

To say "yes" to The Boy is to whisper his name onto every doorstep. To wear his heart on my sleeve. To have people see his light on my face.

To say "yes" is to take this man in front of me and see him for what he is- stripped of florid poetry, devoid of sparkling entreaties, silent and waiting for one word.

To say yes is to hold him in my heart, to let him walk beside me, to be unafraid to show him all of my faults, to share with him every thought he begs and some he could never imagine.

To trust.
To want.
To share.
To see.
To say "yes" is to turn to him and admit that I am unsure of what it means but I am willing to find the definition together.

By the way, The Boy and I are engaged. In case any of you out there are not friends with me on any other social media outlet.

It's true. He loves me and I have a ring to prove it. :)