Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I should have typed this before I read that.

I just made the mistake of checking my final grade in Big Girl School and I really should have written this entry before having done so.But, c'est la vie, we cannot unlive, oui?

I was going to write some sort of year end list including all of the exciting, sad, mysterious or otherwise interesting things that happened this year, but I just forgot it all in the emotional tumult.

This semester I took one course. A fundamentals course. With a lab. I passed, but just barely.

Since when am I a C student?

Dear Brain, determination, interest, and self-preservation:
Please return. I have a whole world to conquer and so little time to do it.
Sincerely, Success or failure, I am still me.

They don't print your GPA on your certification, right?

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