Monday, June 23, 2008

In closing your eyes; of things forgotten; Vulnerability.

"Benny," There was a sweet smile with nothing behind it. Nothing but a sweet afternoon kiss in the twilight after a sweet nothing day ended in a sweet nap.

"Yes Young?" She peered at him, eyes barely open, unfocused. Only able to detect his sweet nothing smile with his perfect teeth, she smiled back, rememebering that he'd just given her a sweet kiss, soft and light on her pillowy and delighted lips.

She, for once did not smile to make him smile. She smiled for Benny. She smiled from the inside out. She smiled to herself and thought, what beauty, what delight there is in falling comfortably asleep in someones arms and not fearing waking up with them. Be awoken with a soft sweet kiss in the orange glow of a perfect day.


They chased lightening bugs and watched a storm roll over the far reaching plains as the daylight faded. She rocked in a swing as she looked at him, standing and picking at a piece of cornstalk.

She thought, how nice to frame him, just as he is now. Vulnerable. Watching. Seeking. Content in knowing whatever it is he is certain of. Deep in thought about a great deal of nothing so important.

She saw the turn of his hips under his khaki's. She noted to tweak of his muscle under his plaid shirt. She remembered how it felt just a few minutes ago to be so consumed in his arms but to be so herself, so free, so unowned. She noted this all and remembered it when things were unperfect. Not so sweet. Undone.

Because now things were just right. In the setting sun, inspite of the gloomy clouds and mosquitos, with ice cream running down her hands, while he smiled at interior dreams, yes- just right indeed.

Thank you Young, for sweet vulnerability.

"You could get me to agree to anything when I am just like this now..."
And your smile says, "But would you love me?"

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