I have been wronged.
Lied to.
I have been doing some random blog readings this morning (something I never do because, as I have just discovered, I am too self-absorbed) and I just figured out that I am not the only worthwhile blog writer in the world. My blog is barely passable when taking in all the other intelligent life forms of blog that there really are.
I had thought I was special. I had thougth that I brought something fresh and new to the scene. A nuveax-blogger classic, if you will. I am sadly mistaken.
I am one of those twelve year old girls who knows bigger words than her friends so her friends automatically tell her sh's a good writer. OR WORSE, I am one of those tweleve year old girls whose friends are sick of hearing her talk so they encourage her to write down her thougths and feelings!!
What is there to be done?
You are so very interesting!
I'll be back to read some more of your blog, so keep writing ~
Louise, you are wrong! You have quite the way with words! I find your entries very entertaining and I know I am not the only one. It is the responsibility of journal writers such as you and I to keep on writing, if not for ourselves, then for our "fans!" lol.
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