Friday, February 17, 2006

So i got to thinking today... thinking about him. Thinking about what i'm really doing. Thinking about marriage. Thinking about love. Thinking about forever. i can remember the night that he told of how he felt. How we were on the phone but i could feel him leaning into whisper in my far the best news he had heard all day. 'i never thought i would feel this way... I am liking you more and more.' And that was all it took. In that moment i knew. I knew i had better be sure of this. I knew that once he had his mind set on me he would have nothing less. And here i am, preparing for the rest of my life. I never thought i would be so in love...


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you Louise! I hope things continue to go so well! Give me a call sometime for an update :)

Carli Anne

Melissa said...


So there IS love before marriage.

Don't rush it.

Once you're married (and, ugh, maybe have kids) you'll wish for the freedom to find love in unexpected places.