Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Uncertain Adventures of a Certain Lady

The Boy and I have been talking lately about love and life and things we want and need from eachother.

We have decided that things between us are amazing. The Boy and I don't agree on everything. We don't have every detail figured out. But, if things continue on in this quiet, blissful way, we will certainly be headed towards a finite decision. An end and a begining. An answer.

Is that why we date? Do we date to answer some cosmic question of loneliness and and vulnerablity? Are we just simply pack animals in need of others of our likeness to fend off the wolves?

I think we are here to be in love.
To find love.
To learn how to communicate in love.

But maybe we just need someone to make the cold nights warmer.
That is ok with me too.

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