Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Andrew, Joe, John and Adolf along with Mr. Movies eldest brother came over last night to play some texas hold 'em. I love playing poker with people who don't know how to play because they are ridiculous. The first game was over in about 5 minutes and Me and Matt were out in about two hands. The brothers decided that was just a practice run and we played another game which lasted until one in the morning. I wipped the floor with them, thankfully, and won myself a record-breaking 25 dollars. They came with no cash so they have to come back and hang out again so that they can pay me my money :)

It is safe to say, though, that I adore every last one of them. They are just too cute. And I really think that they like me just as much. They all commented that, even though they have only met me twice, they feel like they've known me forever :) That's what life is all about. And they love my roomates. They said Michele is "the prettiest 23 year old they've ever seen" (for those of you that know her, you get the joke, if you don't know her, believe that she really is the prettiest 23 year old) and that Tracey is so nice and keeps a beautiful house. ADORABLE.

If anyone needs and Costa rican coffee, work done on their house, or a husband, let me know; I know four perfect boys for the job.

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