Sunday, October 12, 2003

Urg.. I hate him. I totally and completely dislike him more than words can say. Well, okay I can put anything in to words...

I'm totally head-over-heels for Mr.Mr, for those of you who have been following along, and it makes me so annoyed that he has to be NICE to me when it's sooooooo OBVIOUS why we shouldn't be together, and by together I of course mean in the same room.

The worst part of this being that HE'S NICE TO ME. (Again, for those that have been following along) Why would you be nice to someone that you don't really think of fondly? (by fondly I mean love as much and in the same manner that they love you) Why bother? Maybe he does it just because he can. I mean, if some guy came up to me and was like "I like you" and I didn't like him, I would still be flattered. And I would be nice to the guy. But would I flirt with him? Would I let him hug me? Would I hug him? I don't think so... Why doesn't Mr.Mr have the common curtesy to just BE MEAN. MAAARRRR!!! (And why does he have to smell sooooo gooooood???)

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