Monday, September 01, 2003

Okay so here's the question du jour.
Since when did having a crush mean that the relationship the crushess has with the crushee is innappropriate?
I'm a little lost as to when flirting began to hurt my reputation as a chick. So okay I have a crush on Mr.... hmm... these names are getting a bit difficult... Mr. Geri(atrics) Anyways, Mr. Geri is nice and he humors me and whatnot. We have playful INNOCENT flirtation (by innocent I mean he pokes me in the stomach and I poke him back). Now ALL OF A SUDDEN two people that know me pretty well come up to me (seperately) and are like "You're ruining your reputation" and "the apperance of evil is just as bad!" WHAT? APPERANCE OF EVIL? I think people's imaginations are out of control. But what ever. I just hope Mr. Geri isn't mad, this is all my fault after all.... He def. needs a new name.... he's hotter than that name makes him out to be...

I'M A CHRISTIAN NOT AN EXTREMIST (in case you couldn't tell the difference) :)

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